Scrap metal crackdown

March 14, 2012

Checkpoints mounted by the police and Bristol City Council at scrap metal dealers in Avonmouth and St Philips earlier this month found that four out of seven lorries carrying waste had no licence to do so. 

“Metal theft is causing misery to many and we are tightening restrictions on dishonest dealers,” said city council Streetscene Enforcement Officer Chris Swinscoe.

Four drivers carrying scrap metal without a licence were immediately given £300 fixed-penalty-notices.  Two vehicles were seized by police for insurance or traffic offences and checks were made to ensure the metal was honestly acquired.
It is the second time this year that Streetscene Enforcement Officers have helped the police to target metal theft in Bristol and more joint operations are planned.
“Metal thefts are blighting people’s lives.  It is vital . . . that people carrying scrap metal know they must be licensed and must be able to account for where it comes from.  These exercises send a message to traders that they will not get away with ignoring regulations,”  said Cllr Guy Poultney, city council Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods.


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