Official recognition for Bristol Airport’s commitment to pay all staff the Real Living Wage

June 16, 2023

Bristol Airport has been officially recognised as a Real Living Wage employer in a move that covers everyone working onsite.

The recognition has come from the Real Living Wage Foundation, an independent organisation that champions fair pay. The airport joins more than 12,000 businesses across the UK that voluntarily pay staff more than either the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. 

Bristol Airport supports nearly 4,000 direct jobs with around 23,000 more across the wider region reliant on it.

Unlike the Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage, which are both set by the government, the Real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate based on the actual cost of living.

Annual rates are calculated by the Resolution Foundation based on a basket of everyday goods and overseen by the Living Wage Commission.

Bristol Airport and all other businesses operating on site have committed to paying the Real Living Wage as a minimum, and not the lower rates calculated by the government.

Bristol Airport people director Debbie Hartshorn said: “Bristol Airport is central to the economy of the South West and as we expand capacity from 10m passengers per annum to 12m passengers per annum we are projected to add a further 5,800 jobs.

“We have a responsibility to ensure that these roles are attractive to candidates and are fairly rewarded, and are delighted to have attained Real Living Wage accreditation ahead of the deadline we set for ourselves.”

As of September 2022, the real Living Wage is £10.90 per hour.

Pictured: Bristol Airport CEO Dave Lees holds the Real Living Wage sign with staff representatives

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