How to do business abroad

July 15, 2011

Companies weighing up international expansion are invited to a workshop in Bristol to assess their capabilities before taking the next step.  The invitation has been issued by Smith & Williamson (formerly Solomon Hare) in conjunction with Quickstart Global, Vistage International and Travelex.

The event, which is set to take place at Smith & Williamson's offices in Portwall Place, Bristol on July 19, will include a workshop led by Neal Gandhi, serial entrepreneur, author of ‘Born Global’ and CEO of Quickstart Global. The workshop will help businesses who are thinking of making the move, analyse their products, services and team structures. 

The workshop will be followed by a series of short presentations covering financing international expansion, international tax issues and managing international payment.

Smith & Williamson director Dave Mouncey said: “This event will help businesses decide if they are ready by addressing vital issues such as staffing, tax and funding.

“Smith & Williamson is experienced in helping businesses with international expansion as we regularly providing guidance on issues such as business planning, exporting, and international tax and funding. We are also a member of Nexia International, a global network of business advisors and we are therefore in the perfect position to host and give advice at the event.”

To register for the event, which takes place between 8am-1.30pm, contact Rebecca Walford on 0117 376 2067 or email

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