Bristol Business News Factfile: West of England devolution deal

July 1, 2016

Key facts of the West of England devolution deal approved by the area’s three councils this week:

  • The deal would secure £900m of investment over 30 years, with the potential to leverage in additional funds, such as transport funding linked to the emerging Joint Transport Plan. So it is expected to be worth more than £1bn initially, with the potential for additional financial benefits in future. 
  • At £1,004 per person, the deal represents by far the biggest devolution deal per head of population of any negotiated in the country.
  • A West of England Combined Authority would be able to speed up the delivery of new infrastructure, including transport and housing, with increased powers to facilitate house building to meet local needs and priorities.
  • Further powers over transport, including the ability to franchise bus services and responsibility for a key routes network of roads, would ensure that investment takes place where it is most needed and transport services would most closely reflect the wishes of local people. It would also have the power to implement clean air zones to help achieve air quality standards – something which has been called for by the public.
  • Increased opportunities for business growth, investment and job creation including: support for developing the West of England Growth Hub; increased support for the Bristol & Bath Science Park and the Junction 21 Food Enterprise Zone.
  • Increased powers for spending on adult education, skills and employment to ensure local people are better equipped to secure better career opportunities – with new jobs created by new investment locally. This is a key part of our commitment to building a successful and sustainable economy.

Devolution deal safeguards:

  • The West of England would receive funding and powers from central government – it would not take powers from existing local authorities, without the agreement of those authorities.
  • The autonomy of each council would be maintained and protected with no impact upon any powers, responsibilities or assets currently held by the member authorities, unless those authorities agree to changes.
  • Each council would need to consent to any infrastructure schemes to be undertaken within their area.
  • Strategic planning documents – such as Joint Spatial Plan – would require the unanimous approval, meaning each Council would effectively have a veto over such plans.
  • The budget, including the mayor’s budget, would be subject to a majority vote of all combined authority members. The budget can be rejected if two or more councils vote against it. If this were to occur, the constituent councils would then propose alternative arrangements to be approved by two thirds of the constituent councils. The mayor would not be entitled to a vote on the alternative arrangements.
  • The combined authority would be chaired by a West of England mayor, who the public would vote for in May 2017. They would not replace the leaders of Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire councils or Bristol’s directly elected mayor.
  • The West of England mayor may not take any decision which would impose a liability on any of the constituent councils without their individual approval.
  • The combined authority, including the mayor, would be scrutinised and held to account by an overview and scrutiny and audit committee or committees.

 Clifton Suspension Bridge photo by Gary Newman


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